24 August 2006

Welcome to the world

Congratulations to Tammy, Dave and big brother Connor on the birth of little Courtney on 08/08/2006. Blogger has been giving me problems, hence late posting. In these pics Courtney is almost 2 weeks old. She was a good sized baby and is doing well. For those who do not know, Connor has Mytochondrial Disorder which is why they belong to the K.I.D.S group. I will get Tammy and Dave to give us Connor's story in a separate post.

13 August 2006

Group meeting - August

We had a very nice group meeting even though only 5 of us were there. I think the weather played a big role, it was raining cats and dogs. Well done to Tammy for making it even in her advanced state of pregnancy, Deonette with concussion and Marie and her mom for bringing JP out in the cold. We had a very casual meeting, looked at some photos, took some photos, chatted about all sorts. I even forgot to serve the cheesecake we were so busy chatting!

Now onto the VERY IMPORTANT NEWS. CONGRATULATIONS to Tammy and Dave and Connor on the birth of little Courtney on Tuesday 8 August. Luckily she waited till she was supposed to arrive (as per doctor's orders) and did not arrive during the group meeting! A very healthy 3.3kgs and so far so good. Ears have been tested and the right ear is perfect but the left one not as good but there may be fluid in the ear so nobody is too concerned and they will test again in 6 weeks. I cannot wait to see her! Hopefully I can publish a photo of Connor and Courtney soon.

01 August 2006

Next group meeting

The next group meeting is at my house in Bloubergsands on Thursday 3 August 2006 at 7:30. I hope everyone can make it. We are expecting some new members too. Please leave comment if you want address details.