Check below to see Ruan marvellous progress!!!!
Best regards
Sheila Belcher
Projects Administrator
Spectrum Communications (Pty) Ltd
Tel. 021 551 5800
Fax. 021 551 5809
Cell: 076 318 8319
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I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday - Authour unknown
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Sent: 26 March 2012 05:06 PM
To: Sheila Belcher
Subject: Ruan
Wish you had seen your big man today!!! He was just wonderful, you would have been so proud.
We did loads of different things but what really amazed me was when I put 6 letters (letterland snap cards)
on the table.
h a c
b f t
He would, just by looking at one after the other start writing words. I would ask him to write "cat" and he would
look at "c", "a", "t". I would pick them up as he was spelling and put them together to make a word. He did so well
that, when I once corrected him he laughed at me. On further inspection, I realised that I had made the mistake
and got things all messed up!!
We did that words fat, cat, hat and bat and he managed to spell them all correctly. And often first time too.
Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.